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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Audiobook Lovin 2023 Presents: Narrator Troy Duran


Always fun catching up with a returning guest and buddy! Thrilled to chat with Narrator Troy Duran for today's episode of the Audiobook Lovin Series 2023! 

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Things Discussed

Click here to learn more about Angelina!

Click here to listen to Troy's Top 5 Reasons He Loves Being An Audiobook Narrator! 

Warrior Fae
(Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac, Book 5)
By Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti
Narrated by Angelina Rocca and Troy Duran

Available for purchase at 

Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback 

Troy Duran's Official Fan Group!

Click here to join Troy's official fan group! Get the latest and greatest updates/news! Hang out with other Troy fans! Lives with Troy and co-narrators and authors! AND LOTS OF FUN!!

There's a new podcast in town!
Two besties discuss their favorite books, authors, narrators and tropes!! 

Click here to listen them discuss the book PEN PAL by J.T. Geissinger narrated by Tara Langella and Troy Duran! 

BTW did you know the Kindle of PEN PAL is currently FREE!
I'm not kidding like $0.00!
AND bonus, when you grab the kindle (which is FREE) you can get the audio for only $7.49! No need to use a credit or get a subscription if you don't have one! This is a freaking win/win!!

Links below! 

Pen Pal
by J.T. Geissinger
Narrated by Tara Langella and Troy Duran

Available for purchase at 

Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback

Latest Release(s) 

FYI - Affiliated Links Used throughout this post

Finding Lara
(Ghost Legacy, Book 1)
By PJ Fiala
Narrated by Rose Dioro and Troy Duran

Available for purchase at 

Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback 

Upcoming Release(s) 

FYI - Affiliated Links Used throughout this post

(Blue Halo, Book 2)
By Nyssa Kathryn
Narrated by Addison Barnes and Troy Duran

Release Date:
July 3, 2023

Available for pre-order at

Kiss Me Forever
(Blairwood University)
By Anna B. Doe
Narrated by Raquel Beattie and Troy Duran

Release Date

July 4,2023

Available for pre-order at

About Our Guest

Troy Duran has performed over 200 titles to date in Romance, Drama, SciFi, Fantasy and Horror genres. Troy speaks in third person-omniscient except when watching Star Wars and speaking in Yoda's voice he does. His wife cares not for their Corgi, to whom Troy assigned a pervert’s voice and mannerisms.

Connect with Troy at 

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Soundcloud | Audible


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