Hello, welcome to Enchantress of Books! I’m so excited you’re hanging out with us today!
Thanks for having me! Can I just say what a yummy website you have? Love it!
Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a mom and a geek. I have thing for dragons, but I haven’t written anything about them. They are my muse. They find me plots and untangle twisted stories. I didn’t know I was going to be a writer. It just sort of happened about ten years ago. A contemporary romance had to come out. Then I wrote a middle grade book so my kids could read it. Then I went to a writers conference and discovered I didn’t know a thing about writing. Ha. I started studying the craft. Taking workshops and just kept on writing. When I found Sci-Fi Romance, I knew I had to write in that genre. The rest is history. Renee Rocco from Lyrical press gave me a chance. She will forever be my hero. I’ve just finished the second book and I’m gearing up to start book three. I’ve also got a physiological thriller brewing in the background.
Tell us about “Alien Attachments”.
Alien Attachments takes place in the Sandarian empire. The emperor’s rule is coming to an end and amongst all the chaos Dani and Ian struggle with a forbidden bond.
What was the hardest thing about writing “Alien Attachments”?
I changed Ian’s motivation in the second draft of the book. That may sound easy, but it wasn’t. It took a tremendous amount of rewriting and massaging the nuance of his character.
Where do you find your inspiration for “Alien Attachments”?
A dream! I’m a bit of a freak when it comes to dreams. I remember way too much. Anyway, the dream was effectively the pool scene when Ian discovers that Dani, a human, has psi. I’m telling you, that was one hot dream ☺
Tell us about Ian Cavacent (hero) and Dani (heroine)?
Ian is attracted to Dani from the start, he just doesn’t know why. He’s smart and sexy (just the way I like them). He’s also heir to the Cavacent clan and taking a human for a mate could destroy his family.
Dani is just a girl going about her business when Ian awakes something in her. Who wouldn’t want to have psi? It’s telekinesis in the extreme. Each person has their own unique strengths; healers, empaths, you get the idea. And the other thing? Food. Psi burns an extreme amount of energy. So not only do you get to eat, you have to eat. A lot. Yeah, I have psi envy.
What is it about this genre that you enjoy so much as a reader? And as a writer, what about this genre made you want to write it in the first place?
In my previous life, i.e. life before kids, I was an Electrical Engineer. I’ve always loved all things space. The thought of alien and what they might look like has intrigued me from the start.
I started reading romance in my teens. I loved the Victorian ere bodice-rippers. Couldn’t get enough of them. Then I found paranormal, and dragons and wow. And then, maybe ten or twelve years ago I found Sci-Fi Rom. I’m sure I must have read some before, I just never tagged it as a genre. I’d just finished Gini Koch’s first Alien Collective book and had to write my own. It was an instant obsession to build my own world. One I would never have to leave. I do love my little galaxy.
What do you want readers to take away from reading ‘Alien Attachments”?
I want them to fall in love with and be intruiged by Sandaria, psi, portals, gravity modulators and all things that make up this world.
What is project are you working on next?
Book two. It has a brand new title and I’m keeping it a secret for now!
Lighting Round:
Dark or Milk Chocolate? Dark
Beer or Wine? Wine
Dining in or Dining out? Yes
Favorite Color? Teal blue
Favorite snack? Potato chips. I can’t be trusted with them.
Cats or Dogs? What do you think?
Sweet or Sour? Sweet
Thanks so much for letting me stop by!
Thank you for hanging out with me! It was great getting to know you and your book better!! Alright loves, scroll down to read more about "Alien Attachments" and enter the giveaway!!

Alien Attachments
by Sabine Priestley
Will their love be strong enough to keep them alive and get them back to Earth? Finding one's psi-mate is something every Sandarian hopes for, but when Ian Cavacent accidentally starts the bonding process with the Earthling, Dani, he has to fight his desire with every ounce of his being. If the process is completed, it means both political and financial suicide for Ian and his family.
A natural klutz, Dani somehow always manages to land on her feet and win her mixed martial arts matches. At home on Cat Island, her balance is thrown when bazillionaire Ian takes notice. Unfortunately some Torog aliens also take notice, sending her life spiraling out of control and into Ian's arms. But Dani isn't the type of woman to let alien voodoo decide her future or her mate...no matter how gorgeous the man is or how much pleasure he gives her.
For centuries the Cavacents have mined Earth for a precious element, carnium, while protecting the planet from other alien species. Thanks to the Torogs, Dani and Ian must flee to Sandaria. As Dani learns to use her newfound psi powers, the empire crumbles around them.
Waves of pleasure radiated out from his touch. She looked up into his eyes. They truly were the greenest eyes she’d ever seen and as she watched, they began to glow.
Oh, shit. Dani took a slow, shaky breath. She stood in the arms of an alien and this was the point of no return. Did she want to return?
His thumb brushed her lower lip.
The heat in her grew.
Her name was a rumbling growl that reverberated deep inside. She tingled everywhere.
He leaned forward, his mouth brushed her ear. “I’ll leave if you want me to, just say the word.”
He kissed her neck, tentatively, questioningly. The heat of his lips melted any resolve she may have harbored. The thought of him leaving her now, in this state, was unbearable. Aroused on every level, she reached her arms around his neck and pressed against him.
This must be a dream. She moaned as he nipped his way down her neck causing little sparks of pain.
Her entire body rippled with the effect. If I wake up now, I’m killing the person responsible.
About The Author
Geek. Mother of teens. Wife to her very own alien.
Lover of sun, sand, science, and the stars. Sabine lives in Florida with her husband, kids, cats and whole mess of characters in her head.
You can find Sabine at
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