I'm extremely happy to have J.L. Vallance
Linux, THE Cruciatum
Cruciatum (Torture)--A class of Daemonium that tortures their human victims, feeding off of their pain.
Glowing royal blue reptilian eyes strike fear in his victims moments before his touch, his Percutio, has them writhing in agonizing pain. With the slightest of caresses, he turns the gesture of a lover, into the weapon of a fiending manic. And for what? For a few minutes of pleasure--a sliver of time to feel human? Isn’t that laughable? Torture and kill humans, just for a few precious minutes to feel like them. Ha, Lucifer is a sick and twisted bastard.
He’s hunted them for so long; stalked them in the shadows. For millennia, he’s survived, living a haunted existence. The more he needs, the more he consumes, the less he’s satisfied--and the more restless he becomes. Eternity is a long time to end each day with the echoes of the screaming voices of countless victims. But that’s the existence of a Cruciatum, especially one of his caliber.
Every day was the same, until he was faced with Vivienne Drake. There was something about that Guardian. She was the key, Linux was sure of it. And one thing's for certain, he’d move Heaven and Earth if it meant he’d come out on the winning side.
“Evangeline had prayed Spiro would be able to protect Vivienne, prayed that he’d keep her safe. The truth was, no one would be able to protect her from what was coming, and Evangeline knew that now. She knew that Vivienne was going to have to fight if she wanted to survive.”
Aedan, Lord of the Daemonium, has claimed Vivienne Drake as his prize and will stop at nothing to keep her. As his captive, Vivienne is forced to spend her days interacting with the monster that’s haunted her dreams for the past fourteen years.
Truths of her mother’s past continue to surface, bringing to light the reality of who Vivienne Drake truly is. All the while, Vivienne can do nothing but watch as the façade of the carefully constructed life her mother fashioned crumbles around her; leaving devastation in its wake.
Will secrets and lies be her ruination, or can Vivienne overcome her pain in order to become the salvation The Guild and Humanity needs?
Available for purchase at
Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
J.L. Vallance is the auther of Deep Into the Soul and Revelations of the Soul (The Guild Series.) She’s a wife, mom, and nurse from northern Ohio. She lives her days fueled by Red Bull, believing sleep is overrated.

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Thanks for having me, Viviana! x