Narrator Desiree Ketchum returns to the Audiobook Lovin' Series sharing a Day In The Life Of A Narrator!
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A Day In The Life of a Narrator
by Desiree Ketchum
by Desiree Ketchum
Top of the morning, all!
6:30am means its time to get up, or at least that is what all of my alarms keep insisting.
Hair a matted mess, eyes puffy and crusty, still in that sleep-induced haze, so it’s time to say hello to a fresh, hot, HUGE cup of coffee while getting the house sorted (getting breakfast made for my six-year-old son and getting him on the bus, feeding the animals, etc.) Here’s one of my favorite mugs my sister got for me! Isn’t it adorable?!
Once the little one is off to school and the morning has become a little less chaotic, time to introduce some sweat in the mix. Time to workout. Whether or not I want to has little do to with anything; it’s a staple in my routine not only for my body’s health, but for my mental health, as well. I’m more focused and energized after a good workout. This can range from a simple walk outside, yoga, strength, cardio, every day is a little different, and it’s important for me to have an awareness of my body and mind.
Okay, So we’ve gotten our sweat on, washed it all off in a hot shower (The steam also helps to clear out my sinuses because spring allergies can SUCK IT!) Following immediately after that is stretching. That’s right, more stretching, but this time it’s in preparation for going into the booth. Specific warm ups designed to relax and soften the body and mind with a specific playlist to help with that relaxation. Here is one of my very favorite songs for relaxation and meditation.
And this is where the magic happens!
Welcome to my booth!
It’s roughly 9:30am, which means it’s recording time! Different times of days work for different narrators, but I find that my productivity is highest in the morning and early afternoon, hence why I get the bulk of my recording done during these hours.
Previously known as my walk-in bedroom closet, husband and I completely transformed it into a proper work space, complete with ethereal blue fairy lights for some mood setting, a felt fifty dollar bill my son gave me to hang up as my “first dollar”, and a single piece of wall art with a quote that I absolutely love. Further inside, we’ve got all my equipment (mic, tablet, monitor, preamp, etc.) and a few other things like water (of course), some soothing throat lozenges, tissues, Aquaphor (For dry lips)
Booth selfie!!!!
Generally speaking, I aim to get around two finished hours of recording done. But two finished hours equates to about double that when you factor in things like mistakes and outside noises (all of the sound proofing helps, but when people on our street do yard work, I can sometimes be at a standstill for thirty minutes or longer!
How long I’ll be in the booth really depends on the day. Some days, the chapters are short and I’ll be done earlier than expected; other days, it can be a real struggle and take me through lunchtime. I don’t like to eat prior to getting in the booth because then my stomach will try it’s own hand at narrating and become a source of constant interruption from gurgles and what not. This Acai bowl is such a nice little post-recording snack. As far as food avoidances go, Dairy is the enemy to almost all narrators, alike.
Say hello to two of my furbabies,
Bella (canine) and Daenerys (Dany)!
Living with 5 cats and a dog (yes, you read that correctly) sounds chaotic and definitely not ideal for a person whose job requires total silence in order to be done, but honestly, we have a really nice rhythm and everyone is typically napping and chilling out when I’m working. Once, I’m done recording for the day (typically around 2:30 or 3:00pm), I’ll emerge from my cave and find these two just like this most of the time. Don’t you just wanna snuggle up with those two sweeties???
DINNER TIME is around 5 or 5:30pm and tonight’s menu features some delicious coconut curry chicken with cilantro lime rice! YUM
For dessert, I have been OBSESSED with these avocado/chocolate bites! They taste like the most delicious fudge!
Every other night at 8 pm, when the kitchen has been cleaned, animals have had their dinners, and my son is fast asleep, my best friend and I have a ritual of watching the show Outlander (If you haven’t seen it, What are you doing?? Go watch it!)
Alright, well, it’s about 10pm, Outlander has been watched and many tears have been shed as a result of tonight’s episode, and so I’m feeling like treating myself to a nice charcoal face mask while husband and I unwind while watching some tv before bed!
In about 20 minutes, I’ll rinse this off while trying not to make a mess of the bathroom sink, brush my teeth, take my contacts out, and hop in bed so I can get some rest for another day of recording tomorrow!
Good night, everyone and happy listening!
Previous Appearance

Click here to listen to the podcast interview.
Upcoming Release
Ruff and Tumble
By Lucy Gilmore
Release Date: 06-29-21
Available for pre-order at
Get this Audiobook for the reduced price of $7.49, when you buy the Kindle edition first.
About The Narrator
In a short span of time, Desiree has been able to build a brand and following dedicated to her love and passion for bringing an author’s characters and story to life with a meticulous approach of study, commitment and enthusiasm for the industry. Desiree has narrated for top selling authors including International #1 Bestselling author, L.J. Shen, as well as, #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author, Vi Keeland.
Authors will be thrilled with Desiree’s dedication to their stories and characters; studying each carefully to deliver quality performances that will ensnare and connect with listeners.
Producers can depend on her to understand the criticality of deadlines and a proficient knowledge of the field and industry so that each project is delivered on time and with a performance sure to be remembered.
Connect with Desiree at
Website | Facebook Page | Instagram | Audible
Good morning! This therapy has been a breath of fresh air in a time of my life I felt unsure and hopeless where to turn. My therapist started the 1st session by just fully getting to know me and my situation and from there she crafted amazing goals and encouragement to help me chip through my issues. I used to dread chat with a therapist. But, since starting with therapist from this online company, I look forward to our time together, knowing even if it is tough, he is there to support and encourage me through the process!