(Colorado Mountain #7)
by Kristen Ashley
Narrated By: Emma Taylor
Justice Lonesome has enjoyed a life of bounty. Even so, she's inherited the curse of the Lonesome. A poet's soul. Which means she's still searching for something. Searching for peace. Searching for the less...that's more. And when the foundation of her life is pulled out from under her, grieving, she goes to the mountains to find her oasis. She hits Carnal, Colorado, and decides to stay.
Deke Hightower lost everything at the age of two. He lost it again at 15. His life has not been about bounty. It's been about learning to live with less, because there's no way to get more. Deke's also watched all his friends go down to the women who gave them what they needed. He wants that for himself. But he knows that search isn't going to be easy, because he's a rider. His home is the road. That's the only place he can breathe. And the woman who takes her place at his side has to do it sitting on the back of his bike.
When Deke meets Justice, he knows she's not that woman. She's cute. She's sweet. And she's into him, but she's got it all, and Deke knows he won't fit in to that. So he holds her at arm's length. Establishes boundaries. And Justice will take it, because she wants Deke any way he'll let her have him. But when Justice finds herself a pawn in a dangerous game, Deke makes a decision. When he does, he has no idea he's just opened himself up to bounty.
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Viviana's Review:
This is the first book from the Colorado Mountain Series that I've read so I was a bit concerned that I'd be lost or missing something (the vibe, the feel for the characters or story...). This was also my first Kristen Ashley story out side of the UNFINISHED HERO series, which I loved. I was told this could be read as a standalone and once I began listening, I didn't want to put it down.
Deke Hightower is a resident of Carnal though he spends at least the year on the road, where he feels most at home. While all his friends have found women to love them and settle down with, his past will never let him set roots and he is fine with that. Yet upon meeting Jussy, the attraction and connection is not only immediate and obvious for him, but one that he will not allow to occur.
This is a slow burn romance which I really enjoyed. I loved that the reader gets to see Deke and Justice develop the friendship and a solid foundation where they know they can trust each other. They become tuned to each other without realizing it.
There is suspense, romance, and if this is your first book in the series, you'll discover new friends that feel like old ones! Of course, this being a Kristen Ashley book, there is steam! I loved how Deke is an Alpha Male but never once comes across as an ass. He is protective yet is respectful of what Jussy's needs are. Jussy is also a great character who is a free spirit but not ditzy. LOVED her!!
Emma Taylor did a phenomenal job in telling the story and providing each of the characters with their own unique voices, tones and accents. She's easy to listen to and brings the story to life!
Overall, the story was great and makes readers want to catch up with the series if this is the first one they've picked up. I'm looking forward to discovering the this series.

Rating: 4.5 Stars - REALLY LOVED IT
Disclaimer:I received a complimentary copy of this book from the audio publisher Audible in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.
I really loved it too!!! I don't know if the audiobook is as good since I read the print but since audiobooks just bring a book to life I can imagine it does!