(Black Dagger Brotherhood, #11)
By J.R. Ward
Qhuinn, son of no one, is used to being on his own. Disavowed from his bloodline, shunned by the aristocracy, he has finally found an identity as one of the most brutal fighters in the war against the Lessening Society. But his life is not complete. Even as the prospect of having a family of his own seems to be within reach, he is empty on the inside, his heart given to another....
Blay, after years of unrequited love, has moved on from his feelings for Qhuinn. And it’s about time: The male has found his perfect match in a Chosen female, and they are going to have a young—just as Qhuinn has always wanted for himself. It’s hard to see the new couple together, but building your life around a pipe dream is just a heartbreak waiting to happen. As he’s learned firsthand.
Fate seems to have taken these vampire soldiers in different directions... but as the battle over the race’s throne intensifies, and new players on the scene in Caldwell create mortal danger for the Brotherhood, Qhuinn finally learns the true definition of courage, and two hearts who are meant to be together... finally become one.
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Viviana's Review:
I posted this on my FB Page, but thought I'd say it here as well - my Hubby (Guest Reviewer Paul) is reading (he's past the halfway mark as I write this) "Lover At Last" as he LOVES the series. He will be writing his own review for LAL as I think its important to get his perspective.
J.R. Ward is an "Auto Buy" for me! She writes them, I buy them! I've been anticipating and dying for Qhuinn's & Blay's story for a few books now. I was delighted when it was announced they were going to get their story and have it be a Full Length book vs. a novella! Did I care that this would be an M/M? HECK NO! I was a tiny bit concern that she may not write her normal way due to 'public concern' but glad she didn't tiptoe around the subject! She's freaking J.R. Ward! Her fans supported her 100%!
I'm going to do this review a little different as to not include spoilers and be more to the point
What I loved about Lover At Last
Getting to know Qhuinn better
- We knew Qhuinn had "issues" but we got to see exactly how deep the hurt ran in LAL!
- Got to see another side of him. He was significantly more emotional than in previous books. In a discussion with some friends and fellow book reviewers the term "Cry Baby" came up from one of them, but I would have to disagree. I believe he has been through a hell of a lot from the moment he was born and it only getting worse as he grew up and transitioned. Add things we've read throughout the series and especially in LAL. Yeah, the guy is going to be a bit emotional. I would be too. I'm glad he was and was able to get those emotions out.
- You just want to give him a hug! Poor thing!
Seeing more of The Guys!
- I have missed seeing the Brotherhood's interaction with each other!
- Vishious & Butch vs. Lassiter - CLASSIC
- Airplane scene!
- The comroadering
Layla stood up for herself - FINALLY!
- About damn time! I have a difference of opinion regarding Layla than many of my fellow readers/reviewers. I never "hated" her or "disliked" her character. I understood the shelter life she lead as a Chosen and that it would take time for her to learn. For a while there it seem it was more of a question of IF she would learn vs. when but she truly turned it around. I personally don't like weak female characters, but not everyone is strong all the time or from the very beginning! I'm glad how Layla has grown in LAL
The Shadows
- Trez and iAm, well YUM! Always loved them; they were mysterious and you just wanted to know more. I'm extremely glad that we're beginning to get some info into them as individuals and as a breed!
- Love the brotherly dynamic and their interaction.
- LOVE how Trez cares for females. He has the upmost respect for women and defends them when they are in need.
- Originally thought the Warden may be setting things up for a spin off series of some sort featuring them, but she woven into the next book at least. Would it make a good spin off? Yeah. However, I'm glad they are staying within the BDB world for the time being.
Blay's Parents
- LOVE THEM! A perfect definition of what parents should be! Loving, understanding, accepting and supportive!
Assail & Marisol
- Got to see and learn more about Assail, who has now officially peaked my interest!
- Their chemistry is undenable and will be interesting to see where the Warden takes their story. Again, possible "spin off".
- Left you wanting more
- Glad he called Qhuinn out on his bullshit and tried to protect himself from being hurt by Qhuinn. Otherwise, I would have thought he had no self respect.
- Was their for Qhuinn when he needed him
- Perfect! The tension! The looks across the room! And yeah the Sex! She didn't shy away from it or tried to prove anything. Its just another love story between to people! HOT!!
What I wished for Lover At Last
Notice that I didn't say 'hate" or didn't like" about LAL.
More Blay & Qhuinn
- Many had this same wish. This is supposed to be about them and yet, there were all these side stories going on and just not enough of THEM.
- I wanted them to get together earlier in the book, so we had the opportunity to see them as couple. Even if it were to have been as a secret since Qhuinn had his issues or on a "trail bases", something. Lets face it, we all KNEW they were going to end up together. What we WANTED was the journey to that HEA.
Blay's need to Label Qhuinn
- I totally understand the why Blay needed to hear and know that Qhuinn knew he was gay. Blay wanted to have it said aloud as a confirmation that Qhuinn accepted him, their relationship and himself. That it wasn't a 'dirty word' or that it was 'wrong'. I think he may have gone about it the wrong way. Though I did like that Blay called Qhuinn out on his bullshit and though some may see it as harsh, I saw it as honest and real!
The Ending
- Again, we knew they would end up together but how the Warden was going to end their story was what we wanted to see. I felt it was too neatly packaged and presented. The ending would have worked great if they would have gotten together earlier in the book.
- Unclear what kind of 'party' the ending was (again, trying to spoile it here for those who haven't read it).
- "Don't Stop Believing" - okay many have had the WTF moment regarding the song choice. I'm thinking its Lassiter being Lassiter!
I loved finally reading their story but I know there's more to come as the baby still needs to come into the world. From what the Warden had stated at the RT Convention in Chicago last year regarding the deliverly scene, yeah, SOOOOOOO looking forward to what comes next for these two!
As much as I would LOVE to give Lover At Last 5 stars, I can't. My main reason is that there just wasn't enough Qhuinn & Blay and way to much other stuff going on. Otherwise, yes, it would have received a 5 Stars review. I'm torn between the 4 Stars and 4.5 as its freaking J.R. Ward here!

I agree with you on every point! I'm glad to know you agree, I was so disappointed not to see more of B & Q together and also what kind of party was that?? One note I felt that Quinn didn't spend enough time in the room with Layla when she was hurting. He just popped in and out. He should have stayed with her all day while she slept, that is his child. Overall, I am in love with the BDB so I'm hooked for the next one. "The King" I'm sure will rock.